Friday, August 2, 2024

"Ruby Church" by X

No, it's not's a new song, "Ruby Church" from legendary punk band X, in their original line-up! Taken from their new --and final-- record "Smoke & Fiction," it has the same urgent edge of their original material. I recall very well hearing for the first time their incredible 1980 debut album titled "Los Angeles." The sound was punk but had elements that no other band of the time had: the compellingly off-kilter harmony between lead singers John Doe (with his smooth, almost-lounge voice) and Exene Cervenka (with her amazing deranged, flat tone), a truly startling literary sense in the lyrics, and despite their "punk" allegiance and association, a pure, crystalline guitar and drum sound that was quite sophisticated and verged into Rockabilly-adjacent territory. I was lucky enough to see them in 1981 on their "Wild Gift" tour and it's hard to explain how revolutionary and powerful their sound was at the time...after you hear "Ruby Church," take a listen to "Los Angeles" here and be ready for the explosion of the first track "Your Phone's Off The Hook, But You're Not."

X  | Photo by Gilbert Trejo

X is currently on their farewell tour. Visit their website for locations and dates.

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