Monday, November 28, 2011

The Walkable Roller Coaster

Conceived and designed by installation artists Heike Mutter and Ulrich Genth, "Tiger & Turtle - Magic Mountain" is a site-specific interactive sculpture located in the German city of Duisberg.

From Mutter and Genth's website (translated from the German):
"The walkable, large outdoor sculpture Tiger & Turtle – Magic Mountain is currently in construction on the Heinrich Hildebrand Höhe in Duisburg Wanheim (D). It overtops the plateau with the artificially heaped-up mountain by 21m | 23yd so the visitor can rise by more than 45m | 49yd above the level of the landscape and enjoy an impressive view over the Rhine.

'The curved flight of stairs inscribes like a signature on the landscape and recruits the nimbus of the classical roller coaster. Having a closer look, the public is disappointed in a disarming way. The visitor climbs on foot via differently steep steps the roller-coaster-sculpture. So the sculpture subtly and ironically plays with the dialectic of promise and disappointment, mobility and standstill. Visitors happen to briefly meet with oncoming visitors on the steep and about 1m | 1yd wide corridors.'

Led-lights are integrated in the handrails and highlight the flight of stairs so the sculpture is accessible at night, too."

What I really want to know is: how do you climb the loop?

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