Thursday, February 9, 2012

BEAUTY: Interior--Alketas Pazis

Alketas Pazis of Athens, Greece, runs Temporary-Showroom, a prop house for the filming industry (he has contributed to over 950 commercials and film productions), specializing in locating, rescuing, and reclaiming mid-century modern and industrial antiques. His home, immediately adjacent to his business, is also a perfectly curated collection of pieces that have been salvaged from hospitals, schools, gymnasiums, factories, and other such public, industrial spaces. It reminds me a cleaner, more stream-lined version of a set from a Brothers Quay film. It is such a specific, look... the look of a collector and his collection... a kind of neat and organized wunderkammer.

Here are some shots of Temporary-Showroom, which is virtually indistinguishable from Pazis' own home.

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