Sunday, April 29, 2012

BEAUTY: Sculpture

It seems like I have been running across a lot of site specific installations/large-scale sculptures recently. Here is a selection of some of the more interesting artists and pieces I have seen...

The beautiful nature-based work of German artist Cornelia Konrads loosens gravity, pries the pieces of wood and stone apart, and allows them to gently float up toward the sky. (Top to bottom: The Gate; Le Mur; Passage; Piled Forest)

Filthy Luker has been making humorous site specific works for some time. These are comical because of their incongruity,  not to mention scale!

Parisian artist Baptiste Dubombourg installed a site-specific piece in a Benedictine monastery, the Abbey Brauweiler in Germany. Entitled Aerial, the piece uses glass and the idea of windows to invoke images of tidal waves and slow moving glaciers.

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