Monday, September 9, 2019

BEAUTY: Painting--Kim Cogan

Kim Cogan is a San Francisco-based artist who paints wonderful, soulful images of The City but without the clichéd ideas of what San Francisco is. Lesser known locations like The Old Mint, the entrance to Chinatown, and The Cliff House mingle with more generic images that serve to highlight the unique architecture of this city that is instantly recognizable even by just something as simple as a bay window. I live in Northern California and I have spent many years walking and driving by these very spots, seeing them from different angles at different times of the year, and I can safely report he has captured the mystery, peacefulness, and beauty of fog-drenched streets and the lovely, romantic, and constant presence of a bygone era.

Top to bottom: Allstar Donuts; Edge of the T.L.; End of Day; Gateway; Homecoming; Ingleside; Mission at Midnight; Morning Delivery; Old Mint; Pacifica; SF Sunset; Spot Lite; Surfside Eleven; The Coldest Summer; The Avenues

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