Friday, April 21, 2023


To honor National Poetry Month, I am sharing some of my work each Friday. This poem is a combination of perspectives from a variety of people but mostly inspired by a Maslowian peak experience I had when I was in my twenties.


Days like diamonds in your back pocket,
You’re on your way, save your heart

At the helm of your life
At the wheel driving through the tunnel into the valley, you look up and see
the clear dome above you holding blue sky and clouds,
the dome below you scooping down into the ground,
the expanding sphere of perception
You forgot how big it all is or
you never knew and just learned

Walking with your feet off the ground
into the world and through it
You see it all from above
The spies can’t track you

The answer is always in the clue
So much space between the pages
So many pages between the covers
You never knew and just learned,
parched, quaffing it down with wonder

There’s no difference between
what you think and what you say
No difference between
what you want to do and what you’re doing
and you’re on your way
surrounded and buoyed by all the days to come

©JEF 2023

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