Thursday, October 17, 2024

Spirit Day 2024!

Today is the fourteenth annual Spirit Day and I'm wearing purple to participate...and I hope you will too. The movement was launched in 2010 by teenager Brittany McMillan in conjunction with GLAAD (Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation) as a day to remember the young people who have taken their lives due to homophobic bullying and soul-destroying lies perpetuated by homophobic groups, both political and religious in nature (and some who think they are above the law and combine both without paying any taxes!). To show support to the LGBTQ+ youth still with us and to combat the rampant bullying and frantic hatred that still infects our country at cultural and political levels, today is a day to wear purple and demonstrate to anyone who might be feeling alone and worthless that there are many people in the world who believe in the value of their lives and souls. As a past victim of homophobic violence, physical attacks, and bullying, this observance is very close to me.

GLAAD's website says:
#SpiritDay is the world’s most visible anti-bullying movement inspiring LGBTQ youth, especially transgender and nonbinary youth to live their lives in their truth and authenticity. This year, on Thursday, October 17th, GLAAD will organize thousands of celebrities, influential voices, news & media outlets, tv & film studios, brands & corporations, landmarks, sports leagues, tech leaders, influencers, faith groups and so many more to go purple and support LGBTQ youth by creating clear possibility models for them to thrive and be represented in the world.

While GLAAD research shows that LGBTQ acceptance is at an all-time high, so too is anti-LGBTQ discrimination and bullying. As online hate continues to foment real-world harm, coupled with the anti-LGBTQ climate of our day — from book bans to bans on drag, bans on LGBTQ history and bans on healthcare — America’s youth is particularly at-risk and has never needed our support more than right now. #SpiritDay gives LGBTQ youth, their parents and allies an opportunity to see what’s possible when we lead with acceptance.

Take the #SpiritDay pledge now to commit to going purple on Thursday, October 17th and showing LGBTQ youth you’ve got their backs! Learn more at and @glaad across all social media.

These are frightening, disappointing statistics.

- 68% of LGBTQ+ students feel unsafe at school.
- 60% of LGBTQ+ students reported discrimination based on their sexual orientation or gender identity.
- 53% of LGBTQ students report being verbally harassed simply because they were perceived as LGBTQ+.
- 66% of LGBTQ+ students said that hearing about potential state and local laws banning people from discussing LGBTQ+ people at school made their mental health a lot worse.
And the most disappointing, heartbreaking statistic of all:
- 41% of LGBTQ+ students seriously considered attempting suicide in the past year.

No wonder gay teens take their lives at much higher rates than the national average.

Anti-LGBTQ groups are using this deliberately misleading and harmful message to spread hate: "Protect our children." But of course they don't mean protect all children from harassment, bullying, and discrimination...their form of "protection" just increases the damage done to children as evidenced by the statistics above.

For more information, to take the anti-bullying pledge, or to donate to GLAAD, please visit their website.

Here is a letter I wrote to anyone who needs to hear it:

Dear gay teen contemplating suicide:

You are not wrong. You are not "bad.” You are not sick, defective, or evil.
You are perfect and beautiful just the way you are.
You have done nothing wrong and you have done nothing to deserve being humiliated, punished, or hurt, either physically or emotionally.
Bullying and discrimination are never, ever innocent: the bullies are the ones who are wrong, bad, and sick for hurting you.

Don’t believe anyone who tells you that you are any less of a human being than they are. Don’t believe anyone who tells you being gay is a choice or that being gay is about behavior; you are who you are. Embrace yourself and be proud of being alive.

You have value. You have as much right to be here on this planet as anyone else.
It may seem like the world is against you now, but know there are people for you out there, there are places for you out there. You will be happy, you will get to live YOUR life the way YOU want to, without having to pay any attention to the bullies or whatever “bible” nonsense some people might throw at you… you are not "impure," "immoral," "unnatural," or "against nature." Those are just ridiculous, ugly lies they tell to mask their hatred, fear, and prejudice.

You will survive and thrive! You get to live here. This is your RIGHT.
You might turn out to be an important author, a doctor who cures a disease, a famous designer, someone who invents a new type of metal alloy, an inspiring performer… or you might end up working with kids who need to hear that they have value and are perfect the way they are.
Please stick around.
We need you.
Keep yourself safe.


To help, please visit:
The Trevor Project
And please spread the word about this issue and these sites--you never know who might need to hear about them.

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