Friday, August 26, 2011

BEAUTY: Mixed Media--Michael Johansson

Michael Johansson's art both delights and disturbs me. It seems more like some kind of obsessive-compulsive disorder. Often grouping objects by color, he stacks, slides and fits these objects--all of varying sizes and dimensions--into satisfying cohesive shapes like cubes or into other larger objects like bookcases or closets, or under and on chairs or small tables. It is a fascinating glimpse into a mind that can "see" space and what will fit into it in a beautifully cataloged and organized way. In some titles of his work, he even references the famous video game Tetris which requires players to arrange various shapes into a solid form.

Top to bottom: Box Office; Half Empty; Monochrome Anachron; Packa Pappas Kappsäck (Pack Daddy's Suitcases); Strövtåg i tid och rum (Strolls through time and space); Tetris - Landskrona Museum (Objects from the storage room at Landskrona Museum)

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