Thursday, October 10, 2019

BEAUTY: Painting--Hilary Pecis

I am fascinated by the detailed work of Hilary Pecis. I love her interior shots of people's homes, their coffee tables with objects, their collections of books and records, the daily bits and bobs...

For years, I had dreams where I would enter someone's home at night while they slept, simply because I wanted to see their "things," how they lived, what they collected. Invariably though, they would begin to wake up and it would dawn on me how this would look to the homeowner. I meant no malice and I was honestly not there to steal or to harm. But how would they know that? So in the dream, I would have to flee to the backyard, perhaps hop a fence. Interestingly, these dreams stopped after I became an interior designer. But Hilary allows me to take a long look at the titles on someone's bookshelves!

I am also drawn to street scenes and hers are marvelous. An abundance of details and signs make them worthy of study. There is something of the "outsider"/naïve style in her art, a bit of charming self-taught homeyness, like the art of Howard Finster...

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