Thursday, May 20, 2021

BEAUTY: Photography--George Byrne

Australian photographer George Byrne says his work investigates an "urban absence." And his vibrant Color Field series is a wonderful example. Saturated in candy colors melting in the hot Southern California sun, the places he captures are devoid of people and any sense of human occupation...and the presence of a single person in some images somehow only serves to reinforce this absence. Byrne says, "To me, there is a distinct beauty to be found in this sort of subject matter but it's also a slightly unsettling reverberation...a strangely meditative state. I think the images speak to that too."

Top to bottom: 99c Culver City; 99c Silverlake #3; Bank Palm Springs; Bankruptcy; Burbank; Burton Way; Cahuenga; Caryard; East Hollywood Carpark; El Chavo; Feder; Gas Station, Melrose; Palm Springs; Pink Desert; Transparent Billboard; Vigil

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