Saturday, August 28, 2021

"Odd Apples" by William Mullan

Photographer and self-named "Pomme Queen" William Mullan artistically captures rare and unusual apples for his amazing book "Odd Apples."

The Odd Apples site says: "There are estimated to be 7,000+ named cultivars of apples in the world, a comically intimidating number. Some of these apples look like frogs; some are pink inside; some look psychedelic, and some look like stars. Through photographs of rare & curious apples, 'Odd Apples' celebrates the enchanting diversity and odd nature of apples, expanding our perception what they look like and what they taste like."

Pink Pearl
Knobbed Russet
Kandil Sinap
Hidden Rose
Frequin Laciatelle
Calville Blanc
Black Oxford
Api Etoile

You can buy a copy of "Odd Apples" here:

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