Monday, August 22, 2022

Happy Birthday Virgo!


tuckova said...

Hi - this isn't related to this post, but I wanted to take a minute and tell you how much I've been enjoying your blog for the last few months. You have excellent taste and you write well and insightfully about the things you're enjoying. I've had some thoughts confirmed but perhaps more meaningfully I've had my eyes opened to new art. I really appreciate it; thank you!

Jeff said...

Hi tuckova,

Thank you so much for your lovely words...they mean a great deal to me. I am so pleased that you have discovered new things from my blog, something I strive for in my own life as you can see by the contents of Oh, By The Way. Sometimes I sense in myself a literal hunger for new images, new sounds, new ideas. They nurture me.

I took a peek at your blog and I must say you write well too. I really liked your ideas in the "murmurations" post from sound like you hold the same value of humanism and what we create as I do. The stories we tell to each other...and theatre. I am stage-trained myself and have performed on stage for over three decades.

And I was especially moved by and feel a connection to your post "that unnoticed and that necessary" about matching your breathing with others. I have had similar thoughts, wondering as I have watched lovers sleeping, if anyone ever watched me with love and care as I slept.

Best of luck to you with writing and performing and creating and living.
With great sincerity,