Wednesday, November 8, 2023

BEAUTY: Painting--Kevin Specht

I am touched by artist Kevin Specht's narratives in his work. Are they landscapes populated with people, or are they portraits with a landscape background? I suspect they are both since the landscape and the people seem to be interdependent. But the thing that really moves me is how some people in these crowd scenes seem to be made of light, as though they are not physically there but more of an energetic presence, a memory. These spirits walk among and with us: one woman even walks arm in arm with one, a former partner still there to comfort and guide. These two realms exist at the same time for Specht and the idea of this kind of continuity makes me emotional.

Top to bottom: Bike Path; Bocce Players; Crossroads; Flood; Rendezvous Problems; Sand; Through The Park; Two-Way Street

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