Sunday, November 19, 2023

More "Somnum" by HÆLOS

In 2021, the phenomenal band HÆLOS created a work they called "Somnum" to reflect where they were at the time: "When the whole world is asleep and it feels like it’s just you, on your own, it can be wonderfully calm or horribly isolating. Although the band have been in different locations this year, they have often found themselves in the same sleepless state. Lotti navigating the early days of motherhood, Dom struggling with tinnitus and Daniel working nocturnal hours. In this twilight search they began exploring white noise and sharing ambient albums, gathering a palette of sounds that would form the basis of 'Somnum'."

Well, thankfully the band have revisited this musical sleep project, adding new tracks which build on the original ambient sound by introducing a cinematic quality and intriguing sampled sounds. And the visuals in the following videos are subtle but effective. They appear to be AI generated which give them an unsettling feeling, unmoored from reality. Taking place at night, naturally, the urban images of distant skylines, underground tunnels and roads, fire escapes, metal catwalks, skyscrapers, car parks, street lights, tower blocks, lighted advertising signs, bare roof tops, and overhead pipes and wires, all bathed in blue fluorescent or neon orange are inexplicably endless. Incongruous ballerinas, hip-hop dancers, and parkour freerunners are caught in mid-leap, sporting three arms or three legs as they flicker, shimmer, and dissolve. This is how I dream. Everything is based on reality but everything shifts. Something about where I am is just not right. Eerie. Uncanny. Even a little frightening. And the music reflects all of that.

Here is "Quietus," "Caligo," "Momenta," and "Coram Tempestate."

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