Tuesday, April 16, 2024

R.I.P. Ushio Amagatsu

The news was just released today of the March 25th, 2024 death of Ushio Amagatsu, legendary choreographer and founder of the Butoh dance troupe Sankai Juku. Butoh is the singular Japanese dance form developed after the horrors of World War II characterized by extremely expressive and often frightening or grotesque gestures (like the "Silent Scream"), white full-body paint, and very slow movements.

Amagatsu founded Sankai Juku in 1975 and introduced Butoh to the Western world, using highly otherworldly costumes, sets, and original music. Since 1982 all of Sankai Juku's works were premiered at and co-produced by Théâtre de la Ville, Paris. Over the years, I had the honor of seeing two, incredible, haunting full productions in which they performed, among other pieces, Kagemi, Hibiki, and Yuragi. I was utterly mesmerized and shaken for many days after.

R.I.P. Ushio Amagatsu. Thank you for manifesting such a profound and ferocious physical expression into this world.


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