Tuesday, July 9, 2024


This possibility is making me sick to my stomach. PLEASE VOTE.
AND PLEASE VOTE BLUE, WHOEVER IT IS. If it is Biden, you are not being asked to say he is the best fit for the job, you are not being asked to say you agree with everything he says, you are being asked to STOP WHAT YOU SEE IN THE VIDEO ABOVE, TO STOP PROJECT 2025 FROM HAPPENING.


Too late. It happened. They don't get my tears, they get my resistance.


tuckova said...

I am really getting tired of Democrats putting up problematic candidates and being forced to hold our noses/ close our eyes/ whatever and vote for them anyway, because Democracy Is At Stake, and I can't believe that after the mess of Clinton's candidacy they haven't sorted it out so that the margin never feels so narrow again. I hate these "lesser of two evils" choices, over and over. But like, here we are. Again. And I absolutely agree that it's an emergency.

Jeff said...

Hi tuckova. Thanks for weighing in on this. You know, I showed this video to some very close friends, all very Liberal and Left leaning, and almost all had a very odd reaction…it felt as if they were sort of annoyed with ME for showing it to them and calling this to their attention. Someone said quite exasperatedly that of course they knew all about this already as the Right have been plotting and planning this for many decades (which is true) and there was nothing new there, someone else said yes they knew all about it and just cannot live in that kind of panic for the next four months, and a few friends I texted simply gave me a thumbs down and a red X (which I am hoping was a reaction to the possibility of a Right administration as shown in the video and not directed at me). Hmmm… I can see how the video could cause anxiety even in those who know of its subject already so I am trying not to take it personally, lol.

Your points are well made, and indeed we have what we have, especially at this very, very critical time. What I wish is that my party would stop bringing donuts to knife fights and make sure the margin of an election does not feel so narrow, as you say. We have all seen, for decades now, how the Right behaves and it should not be a shock anymore. And we have all seen The Monster (I can’t bring myself to say his name) plainly and proudly display his sociopathic, narcissistic, Fascistic behavior, so that should not be a surprise anymore as well.

I also wish the Dems as well as the media would point out that although the President is “The President” and “the buck stops there,” Biden has a wonderful cabinet and administration that he installed when he took over. It is not Biden cranking away at the wheels of government all by himself, 24/7. No President has ever done that. Biden has a plethora of trusted people he has hired and appointed to positions in our government. I wish his advisers would tell him to point that out…well, I wish his advisers would tell him to point out a lot of things. No more donuts. He and the party need to get good at wielding a defensive knife.

The Right are very good at circling the wagons and defending a candidate, no matter what that candidate has done or their views. They ferociously support their own, whether child molester, hateful racist, criminal, sanctimonious felon, or smiling hypocritical rapist. This battering ram approach is how they have been able to wrest control of courts and branches of government. And I think it is time for the Left to do the same. My dream ticket is Gavin Newsom and Pete Buttigieg as his running mate, but that won’t happen. Instead, we have the situation we have. Do I wish, like you, that the situation were not real and true? Yes. But I will vote for whomever is the nominee. I will vote for Biden. I will vote for his head in a jar of blue liquid, as Bill Maher says. I will vote for Harris. I will vote for Whitmer. And I would love a chance to vote for the Newsom/Buttigieg ticket (maybe next election!). I will vote for whomever it is. I do not want to live in the Right's planned Republic of Gilead because I will be executed. I can ferociously support my party too, no matter what.