Saturday, March 16, 2024

Even More Collage...2024

Regular readers may recall that during the pandemic, I spent some of my downtime creating a lot of new art work including a series of collages previously seen here, here, here, and here. I was recently inspired to revisit this technique but this time with a few different goals. I wanted to work with texture, color, and shape alone, and not try to create anything representational like my prior works. I wanted to leave white space around each composition. I wanted to assemble each composition very, very quickly, using instinct, without overthinking or fussing too much with placement--since I had all the pieces pre-cut, I spent about an average of a minute or so on each one, just grabbing what seemed right. Even the titles came quickly, in just a few seconds--I chose simple, one-word titles and not the narrative titles I used in previous collage pieces. Goals met! I found it a fun way to kickstart creativity.

Top to bottom: Union; Ticket; Farm; Mycelium; Kingdom; Tectonic

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