Monday, June 10, 2024

BEAUTY: Clothing--Denzil Patrick

London Fashion Week wrapped yesterday, and with a paltry three catwalk presentations, it hardly seems worth it. But for one of those three shows, Denzil Patrick designer Daniel Gayle showed a collection for the first time in his own hometown. Launched by Gayle three years ago, the brand is certainly on the rise and this Spring Summer '25 collection proved it.

Obvious inspiration came from the British Navy with elements from uniforms like cargo pockets on shirts and square-cut jackets on display. Aiguillettes (cords and shoulder braiding, often of gold bullion found on military uniforms) were worn as jewelry (necklaces) or accessories (keychains at a belt loop). And to cap it off, models carried props of bugles and horns referencing a military marching band. The subtle interpretation of this inspiration makes the collection completely wearable, especially with the banner design of "London Belongs To Me" emblazoned on pieces. All this came in yummy spring colors like sky blue and peach.

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