Sunday, May 21, 2023

Vintage Toys From Found And Chosen

Artist Jane Housham collects vintage and retro toys to photograph in color-coded and themed imagery that absolutely delights me...because these are all the things I grew up with. I was born in 1964 so the graphic imagery from the 40s-50s was still lingering for children's toys. These are the toys that I got in those hard plastic spheres that came out of bubblegum machines (thanks mom and Dad for always giving me a nickel or dime when I breathlessly begged for a little treasure I spied inside the machine), or in Cracker Jack boxes (my mom loved the little Scotty dogs), or that I played with at friends' houses (I love the miniature groceries!). Special notice goes to the little television sets that actually housed a reel of photos from vacation destinations. Thanks Jane, for collecting and displaying these wonderful memories...

She collects and displays these treasures on her Instagram page called Found and Chosen:

She is also a talented artist. Check out her work at her site:

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