Thursday, September 6, 2018

In two months...

...we can take our country back. In the United States, we are fast approaching the most important mid-term election in our history.

If you have never voted or have "never been into politics," now is the time. Please understand that the personal is political. Please do not fall for the conservative lie that your vote does not count. If it didn't you wouldn't have Republicans trying to suppress it, you wouldn't have billionaires trying to buy it, and Russians wouldn't be attempting to infiltrate and destroy it. Voting gives you the power to shape your life in this country.

If you are planning to vote, please make sure you are still registered and eligible to vote, and have not been part of the draconian, Republican-led voter roll purges that have taken place in districts around the nation.

Most mid-term elections take place on November 6, 2018. Please use your vote to defeat this slow-moving Fascist coup taking place in this current Congress and Presidency.

Sources for the above information:

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